Help !! Cloudy Sweet Smelling Water

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Help !! Cloudy Sweet Smelling Water

Post by scarper »

I noticed last night that the water was very slightly cloudy but i thought nothing of it. I looked again this morning and the water is very cloudy and there is a sweet smell when i open the tank lid. One of my golden barbs had died overnight.

I have changed 1/3 of the water before going to work but am puzzled as to what may have caused this.

Recent Changes To Tank :

I added some fin-rot treatment a few days ago as the fin on one of my corydoras appears to have a small amount of fungus on it. I removed the carbon filter pad for this treatment. (i replaced it this morning)

I also at the weekend removed 3 plants that were looking a bit tatty and replaced them with different varieties.

I fed my fish a large cooked prawn at the weekend. I noticed a small part of it was still in the tank last night.

Other than the above i am struggling to come up with an explanation.

Any ideas ??
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Post by MatsP »

My guess is that the prawn has been poluting the water and caused some bacterial growth in the water, which makes it cloudy. Dead fish is obviously not helping here... ;-)

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Post by scarper »

thanks. I will remove any leftovers of the prawn tonight and perform another water change. It is strange, i have never seen this before.
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Post by MatsP »

I have... And I've seen even worse in my nefue's tank... It wasn't sweet smelling at all, more like rotten sewers... [His grandma was looking after the tank when he went on holidy, using the listed food amounts, but obviously her pinches of food were bigger than the nefues...]

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Post by scarper »

When i got home the water had completely cleared. Still a slight sweet smell when i open the lid but almost back to normal.
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Post by MatsP »

I know it's a bit late, but I'd do another water change just to be sure...

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