Anaspidoglanis Macrostoma and Synodontis

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Anaspidoglanis Macrostoma and Synodontis

Post by grahams »

Advice please.I have just got back from my LFS with a badly mauled Anaspidoglanis.It`s tail has gone almost to the peduncle and the dorsal is much the same,my guess is the culprit was a puffer that nobody had realised was in the tank.The shop gave him to me because they couldn`t care for him or sell him.The only tank I have been able to put him in has 2 Syno Brichardi in,but I can sort that out shortly,I just didn`t have time to prepare a tank to accept him beforehand as I didn`t know he would be coming home with me.Curing him shouldn`t be to much hassle,but can anyone advise on keeping him with Syno`s long term.Has anyone kept them satisfactorily together or is it a potential bloodbath waiting to happen.I do have a lot of other Syno`s and it would be nice if he could go with them when he`s well.Another question if I may be allowed.Is there a favoured/preferred whitespot cure for catfish?I have had several people warning me of the dangers of certain chemicals with cats, but nobody can tell me what to use,that includes my LFS.I`m a longtime fishkeeper but don`t have so much experience with cats.
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Post by sidguppy »

Anaspidoglanis and Synodontis should match OK.

but adding a damaged and possibly infected catfish to ANY tank containing ANY fish is not a good idea....that's where quarantaine tanks come in!

Anaspidoglanis is a sturdy fish wich can regenerate a lot of fin tissue and it's usually only territorial to other Anaspidoglanis (they fare badly in small groups).

to avoid getting other fish sick and also to let this cat regrow all the missing parts in peace it really needs a tank of its' own.
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anaspidoglanis and synodontis

Post by grahams »

I appreciate the point you are making,but there are times when we are not in a perfect world, and this was one. As the syno`s were in quarantine, I had no option, other than leave it at the shop and let it die,which wasn`t an option.I have 21 tanks but none were empty of a suitable size.The wounds were fresh and clean, and the risk was negligable and worth taking,if it wasn`t so I wouldn`t have taken it.Thanks for your swift reply though,I appreciate it,but sometimes things don`t always work out how we would like.
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Post by Richard B »

Graham - i have in the past, kept them with a variety of synos without any problems. (Schoutedeni, brichardi, caudalis, pleurops, contractus, multipunctatus & others)

I prefer WS3 for white spot treatment, & have not had any issues with fish reacting to it. I always carefully calculate the dosage as volumes can differ significantly dependant upon decor - my main tank is probably 2/3 stated volume due to the amount of rockwork. Always be careful & underdose if at all unsure. I only ever treat when disease/a problem is evident although i know of people recommending precautionary doses i have not subscribed to this (for white spot). I have had great results with melafix for minor damage but your new fish sounds a fair bit worse. Close monitoring & tlc should see you through with little to trouble you though - best of luck & keep us posted - Richard B
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anaspidoglanis and synos

Post by grahams »

Hi Richard,I can give you the name and address of the dealer but will post it in your private message file.Thanks for the info on the Anaspidoglanis that is very reassuring.I have had the species before but never with Synos`.I am always very careful with medication and don`t ever remember having to treat one for disease.I ,in those circumstances would always prefer to go by other peoples experiences to be on the safe side because some catfish react badly to medication,and I like to have the correct medication available, just in case.
Just for the record ,the Anaspidoglanis doesn`t show any signs of disease whatsoever,but he has sustained some quite nasty injuries from the teeth of the Puffer.I couldn`t just leave him there,as I knew the fate he would suffer.
My treatment has also been with Melafix along with Pimafix and he/she has made good progress.I don`t know if his/her injuries will repair perfectly,I hope they do,but it doesn`t matter to me if they don`t.I was just glad to get him/her out of there.
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