What is the longest that you've kept a fish

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What is the longest that you've kept a fish

Post by ginosanti »

somewhere in 1996 i bought three of these http://www.loaches.com/species_pages/bo ... orhae.html

One was murdered bij a Convict breeding pair. But the other two are doing fine, I added 3 younger ones, so I have a group of 5 now.

It hit me that these little fish are now over 10 years in age!
They are a about 9cm, and still looking and more important, acting great.
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Post by sidguppy »

I still have 3 out of 5 Mochokiella paynee that I bought in the fall of 1986 as subadults.

those lil fish last a loooong time.

a very good friend of mine still has the very last survivor of a bunch of 5 Synodontis nigriventris I bought in summer 1984 as halfgrown youngsters (probably at least 2 year old then given the growthrate of that species) and kept myself for a decade or so before giving those to him.
Valar Morghulis
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Post by I_Xeno »

i have a ancistrus sp 3.
I have got him 3 monts but his old owner had him over 8 years !
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Post by pictus_man_77 »

:shock: :shock:
When i tell you mine has lived for 2 years, it doesnt sound very astonishing, but i cant belive that my 3 leapord danios have lived this long!one is almost 3 inches long!
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Post by racoll »

I have a striped talking catfish that is approximately 15 years old.

I got him 12 years ago, and he must have been at least 3 (probably more) when I got him.

Just goes to show....

"a catfish is for life, not just for christmas"
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Post by snowball »

I've got a Synodontis eupterus that I have kept for over 16 years, it was a small adult when I got it. I have several other fish that I've had for at least 6 to 10 years including Brochis, corys, whiptails an upsidedown cat and a couple of loaches.
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Post by syno321 »

I've got 3 S.multipunctatus that I acquired as young adults in 1992 that are stil producing broods with whatever cichlids they are in with. I figure they must be at least 16 years young.
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Post by texasgirl005 »

Not fish but we bought 3 newts from Wal-Mart in 1985 and two are still alive today in the same tank they were first put in, it's pretty amazing.
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Post by Tom »

Syno. decorus since 1980, Syno. brichardi since 1980, Syno. macrostoma since 1981, and Polypterus palmas polli since 1982.
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Post by Mad Duff »

I have a 20 year old golfish in my pond, she was bought along with 2 other goldfish (they died years ago) and a ghost koi. The ghost koi is still in my dads pond and is nearly 18" long.
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Post by Dick F. »

Had a BLACK Shark (labeo) for 27 yrs, 19 1/2" TL
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