Here are the pictures...
They spawned in a 60 gallon community tank thats placed in a high trafic area with a gang of other fishes(2 discus, a 7" goldy, 5-6 rainbows, 2-3 angels, 5-6 5" clown loaches, and a few other smaller plecos). The tank sounds overstocked but its literally filled with driftwoods so theres plenty of hiding spaces for everyone.
The tank is filtered by an aquaclear 500, penguin...(dont know the model # but its the highest model), and a wet dry filter with a 200gal capacity.
Theres only 7 adults in the group(lost two and one was given to me). They ate day and night and were fed mainly on cooked shrimp(without the shell).
A foot long sailfin was removed and they spawned two weeks after a water change with from the tap. The spawn was totally unintentional and whats surprising is that the tds is at 1400 when they spawned. And I dont know if the eggs are good for this batch, some are already starting to turn white.