
All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Post by nikos »

hello everybody,
sorry for not introducing myself (and i dont know if this is the right place), but im new here and i need a little help..
i have 4 cory gossei in 5g tank and im trying to breed them ,(black gravel and a wide leaf plant),any help would be great, thanks you all..
beside i have a planted 38g tank with 4 sterbai, 6 tetra congo and 12 cardinal tetra.
38g - 4 cory sterbai, 4 cory adolfi, 6 tetra congo, 30 cardinal tetra, 20 Sparkling (Pygmy) Gourami.
5g - 4 cory gossei.
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Post by MatsP »

Nikos, First of all, Welcome.

there's a "beginners guide to breeding corys" here [It's in Shane's world]. It gives ideas of how to breed corys in general, and it's written by Coryman (Ian Fuller), who has bred more Corys than most others have seen... ;-)

There's also some info in the "Sticky" subjects at the top of this forum, which have some info regarding breeding/rearing of fry.

Once you've read that, you may also want to do a forum search on the species you want to breed, to see if there's any special info on them.

If there's still some particular questions you have, feel free to ask again.

Introductions are usually done in "Speak easy" section of the Forum.

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Post by Kana3 »

Welcome Nikos. Enjoy your stay !

My Cory's have been quite on the breeding front... Winter maybe...
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