tetras and harlequin rasboras catfish community questions

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tetras and harlequin rasboras catfish community questions

Post by rossyo »

What would be a sutiable catfish to live in a group of neontetras and harlequin rasboras. What would be a good resistant catfish to live in this community?
Last edited by rossyo on 26 Jun 2006, 08:00, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Silurus »

Corydoras should do fine.
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Post by rossyo »

thanks i'll check them out
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Post by rossyo »

are there any other breeds that would fit in well i was thinking of bristlenose but i wasnt sure if that was good choice any good ideas welcome
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Post by MatsP »

There are lots of fish that will live happily with tetras and harlequin rasboras.

But to recommend one or another would be hard because it depends on the size of the tank, amongst other things.

If you have a fairly large tank (100L/25 US gal/20 imp. gal or so), you can quite easily home a Bristlenose pleco in there. Other small plecos would be fine in the same tank.

If your tank is less than 100L, the Bristlenose would be a tad on the large side, so some other smaller options would be needed.

If you have a LARGE tank, then there are even more options.

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Re: tetras and harlequin rasboras catfish community question

Post by Zebrapl3co »

rossyo wrote:What would be a sutiable catfish to live in a group of neontetras and harlequin rasboras. What would be a good resistant catfish to live in this community?
PLecos and corydoras don't interact with tetras. Infact they hardly even acknowledge each other's existence. So I don't see any problem with mixing them together. About the only problem I can think of is getting the appropriet tank size for the pleco.
But if either should breed, then the corrydoras will eat all the eggs laid by the tetras and some fully grown tetras might see young pleco/corrydoras fry as food.

Good luck and and have fun.
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Post by sidguppy »

and if Pleco's are a bit bulky for your taste, you might try out the very gracile Farlowella or Sturisoma; both look like twigs, and they are good algae eaters.
both like docile small tankmates too; wich is a pro, since you're into small tetra's and rasbora's; those fit that bill perfectly.
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Post by rossyo »

Thanks for your help i'll research some of the types you guys suggested
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Post by 3bdesigns »

Most of my tanks are tetra tanks. And I have a HUGE variety of plecos in all my tanks. None of my plecs seem to bother any of my fish. I do have problems from time to time with my clown loaches chasing my rainbows, but other than that, they all live well together.

I have pictures of my plecs on my website - so you can see the variety I have.

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Post by rossyo »

cool setups espically the 10 gallon queen arabesque one
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