How do i cool down my tank?

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How do i cool down my tank?

Post by pictus_man_77 »

Any Ideas?

Its in my room, near a computer, and i need a way of cooling it down, as it is staying in the region of 27-29, and i dont like it like that
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Post by LimaShovel »

you can freeze a bottle of water and let it float in the tank .
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Post by pictus_man_77 »

sounds like a plan
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Post by WhitePine »

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Post by bronzefry »

I'm also going to try <a href=' ... hp?t=15935' target='_blank'>this</a> suggestion from Coryman(about half-way down the page). We're nearing a heatwave in the northeast US and I'm going to give it a try. I'll let you know how it works for me. The other methods I've tried and they work. But, you can never have enough good tools! :wink:
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Post by snowball »

Another idea I've heard along the lines of Ian's cool air suggestion, if you have a cannister filter, is to put it in a bucket of party ice from a service station or bottle shop. If you have enough filter hose, or a length that can be used as an extension, then it could be coiled up in the bucket for more efficient heat transfer.

Of course doing a water change with slightly cooler water is also a quick way to get the temp down, but I don't think you would want to drop it by more than 2 to 3 deg C this way.

Both these methods would only be temporary measures but might be enough to get the tank through a hot afternoon.
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Post by WhitePine »

Another option is just to get a window air conditioner. Newer ones actually have a temp. adjustment... just set it to come on when the room get to a certain temp and it will keep your room and tank cool. Plus on hot days you can retreat to your computer/fish room and post on PC or chill with your fish!
Cheers, Whitepine

River Tank with Rio HF 20 (1290 gph), Eheim 2236.
- Apon boivinianus, Bolbitis, Crypt balansae, Microsorum Windelov, Vallisneria americana, Crinum calamistratum, Nymphaea zenkerii, Anubias barterii.
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Post by pictus_man_77 »

Wow, all these ideas are great!

Thanks everyone!
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Post by Durlänger »

A other way would be to use a fridge / icebox with a temp. control pump as you see here (warning in German):

:idea: :idea: :idea:
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