Tiger or not Tiger

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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Tiger or not Tiger

Post by Sophos »

Hi, I recently by a pleco name by L038 peckoltia sp. I paid it, i think, really too much : 40 $ canadien. So, i check on the net and many plecos are name by tiger pleco and no one could be like mine or they seem to be contradicted (sorry for my english) I take pictures but I dont have the time to develop it. So, i found a picture that is like my pleco. Can you tell me who he is and how i have to feed it. The seller tell me that he gives him a little pill each weak and that he eat algae. But if it is really a L038, I think that he eat meat.

here is the link:

http://www.aquajapan.com/encyc/catfish/ ... ata_e.html

thank you !

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Post by Yann »


Your fish is Panaqolus maccus, check the catfish of the month archieve, a article about this fish was written. It is a pretty common Loricariid.
Make sure you have some wood for them as they seem to eat it.
Mainly vegetal food should be given with some insect larvae such as gammarus, brien shrimp and once in a while some blood worms!
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Post by Dinyar »

P. maccus sells in the US for about $5, maybe $15 in a really pricey pet store. Either this is not your fish (quite a few plecos look somewhat similar to this), or you paid way too much for it.

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Post by Sophos »

OK, but my pleco seems to me more beautifull than that....maybe its the photo.....if it is the case that this is a maccus, do you think that I can go to the petshop and make an argumentation of my case and explain that they are wrong (because i suspect them to not be a good place....).
And is it bad if I wait a few days to give him food because i dont have the time to by the food ?

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Post by Yann »


You sure could go there and tell them they got their fish wrongly ID, you can also ask them why you paid such a high price for a very common Loricariid!
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Post by Vik »

I would guess that it is not okay to go without feeding your fish because you don't have the time to buy food. Do you have any zucchini, squash or lettuce you could feed it, sometimes they graze a little on those. That should help hold it over until you can find the time to buy it some food. Waiting too long could be a bad idea.
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Post by Sophos »

Thank you all for your help !

Tomorrow, I will go to the petshop to try to understand this situation. Second, Yesterday, ill give him cucomber and he seems to go over it. I want to know if he eat algae ?

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Post by Yann »


Panaqolus, like Panaque are primarly vegetarian, but the theeth of these fish are not made to rasp algae out of any thing, but more to rasp wood out of wood!
Cucumber is good so is zuccini, peas...
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Post by Sophos »

How long the cucumber need to be in the aquarium....i give him a little piece that he sometime go to eat....and i have a big piece of wood.

I talked to the sellor of the petshop and he is ready to exchange it or he can give me food for my fish. And i can go and give him my pleco.....he have presently a golden nugget but i dont want it, because i will be really big in my 25 gallons.

Or maybe i can take it and exchange it for another fish when he will be bigger ?

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Post by Yann »


I would leave a piece of it only for 2 days nothing more as it can foul the water.

I don't think you should exchange it, it is a pretty nice hardy fish that does not get too big. And you sure could add 2-3 more in your tank ( if not crowded already) without any problem.
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