Help on placing plecos.. (long)

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Help on placing plecos.. (long)

Post by blb »

I have a problem. I will be getting in a bunch of plecos and am wondering about how I am going to put them in qtank and also main tanks.

First off I have a LDA33 in the qtank. He will go into a main tank next week (next week is when I am hoping the rest of the plecos will get here). I have just had a vampire L7 die. It was in a 55g with angels, clown loaches and corys. I had added 2 bigger clowns a month before. The vampire wasn't coming out of it's cave for a couple week and when it did it still wouldn't eat. I put it in the h-tank but it died the next day. I had come to chat here while it was still alive and someone suggested it was probably the clown loaches. They weren't letting the vampire eat. Now I don't want to put the LDA33 in there either because it is also omnivorous. I have a 75g but it has 2 clowns, 2 bristlenoses and a L077 (plus angels, rummy noses, cardinals and corys) They are fine and I am afraid the LDA33 would just be too much. The LDA33 is 5" now but I know will grow bigger. I was thinking of putting it into a 29g which houses 5 apistos (red flash) and 2 bn's. I can take out the bn's. Would that be ok for now until I get a 75g set up? I also have fancy goldfish tanks that it could go in but I really don't want to put it there either. The ph is higher and the goldies are big. The other tanks have other plecos in or are full. If I have too I could set up a 10g or 20L.

Let me back track. I have 18 tanks now with 9 more that are empty. I am in the process of cleaning out part of our basement and making that into a fish room. I really don't want to set up another tank until that is done which will be probably a month.

Now I am getting 5-6 L082, 6-8 L270 and 3 L333's plus 4 more clown loaches. I am trying to figure out how I can q-tank them. Right now I just have a 20L for qtank but can set up a 10g easy. How should I split them up for qtank? Should I set up a 20L instead of the 10g?

After quantine I have a tank for the L333's (I already have 2 males that need some females, lol). I was thinking of the L82's in the 55g with the clown loaches, angels and corys. (there are no other plecos in that tank now). Then keeping the L270's in the 20L until I set up the fish room. Any ideas will be helpful. I don't want to lose any of these guys.

Are you confused yet? :lol:
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Post by MatsP »

I think the LDA33 would be best in the 29g at the moment, and move to a bigger (75g or so) tank when you have one available. I'm fairly sure it's not going to be happy with the goldfish, both because of food competition, and because of temperature, as this is a fish that requires fairly warm water.

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Post by blb »

Thanks for your reply. I will put it in there after the weekend.

What about the quarrentine problem? How should I split up the plecos?
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