some people are jerks

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some people are jerks

Post by kdawg »

i just got laid off from my job so i went to petco to see about part time work. i over heard to workers talking about a 10 dollar donation so asked them what the story was. turns out the night before a guy brout in an 8 inch oscar and two 4 inch chiclids. a new worker told the guy that they could not take them so the guy just left them out side. they spent the whole night out side in the rain and hail only to befound the next morning almost dead. which is where i come in. for 10 dollars all three could be mine. well i figured i be dumb not to jump on that deal and donated the money. that was at 10 o clock this morning when i got them in the tank the oscar just staid on his side. its 9 o clock at night now and he seems to be doing great along with the two chiclids i feed them a few gold fish snd they loved them. i know this is a catfish club but any advice on care for these guys would be great
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Post by MatsP »

First of all, sorry to hear about the loss of your job. Hopy find something else quickly.

I hope you have a big tank for the Oscar - they grow to about 12-13" - maybe a bit more if you look after them well, so you need a 4 x 2 x 2 foot tank at least - that's about 100g btw. They eat just about anything and will be very friendly, feeding from your hand if you keep them long enough.

Since there are nearly as many cichlids as there are Loricariidae, it's pretty difficult to tell you anything useful about the 4" ones...

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