After some heavy weather in the end of april, my Sterbai's spawned. And after the spawning they did it again begin of may! I would like to show you guys some pictures
I would have a note: It's not a "recipe", but it often works. In my conditions sterbai spawn after 4-5 weeks of heavy feeding with earthworms/beef heart+some larvae (bloodworms, for example). Earthworms, tubifex and beef heart contain high percentage of key fatty acids that stimulate the spawning activity of Corydoras.
If this is your first spawning Martijn, be careful. Don't overfeed them with artemia, don't feed with high protein dry food (=a nutrition source for bacteria that rapidly multiply and attack the fry's gills), set up good filtration, remove all uneaten food and wash the mop every day from captured remains. Then you will have minimal loses.
Hi there,
this is the first time that i placed the eggs in a fry tank. My Sterbai's have spawned often. I have the sterbais about a year now and i think they are about 1 1/2 year. I feed them always with the tabimin and flake foods. The earthworm gave to much rubbish in my opinion. The first spawning was when i overfeeded by accident. At some point they spawned. And the day after was a heavy thunderstorm. So i think it was just good feeding and the change of weather/airpressure. I didn't change the water before the spawning.
I'm sorry, but i don't have a recipe!!
I would have an advice for you concerning eartworms: Dig them out in the garden, then let them dissolve soil for several days (not necessary, but advisable), wash them and freeze them. When they are frozen, slice them with a knife into tiny pieces and wash them on some net until they are clean. No problem. I wouldn't recommend milling unless it is for fry, because the matter of the earthworms "disapears" and you will gain only very little from it.
martijn wrote:I will give it a try! And i hope my wife doens't discover the earthworm in her freezer, haha!!
Bye Martijn
[Being sarcastic]
Who paid for the freezer? If she did, maybe you should get one for you & the fish [a small one?]. If she didn't, it's yours, right?
[Sarcasm off].
hi all
my sterbi spawn in my 100 gallon comunity tank.the spawn every 2 weeks and if im quick enough i can save 20 to 30 fry each time .all i feed is frozen bloodworm ,flake and catfish pellets i have a group of 8 5 male 3 female but they live with at least 20 other assorted corys several other cats including 7 surasoma (who also spawn consantly)and a big group of cardinals i never check ph or anything like that but i do have the temp at 80 and have 3 very large external filters so the water realy moves around the tank
cheers flash
hi i have bred corydoras after heavy feeding on dafnia, and water changes. im not actually trying to breed them, but it´s always a pleasure to see them breeding.