False Julii Cory hovering near surface

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False Julii Cory hovering near surface

Post by kelliope »

I have three false julii corys in quarantine right now. They had a bit of fin rot or nipped fins when I bought them. I treated with Maracyn 2 and they seem to be on the mend. Currently they are residing in the 5 gallon Q-tank with 2 baby cardinal tetras, because the 38 gallon they are going into has had a blip in the biofilter. I am aware this is an overstocked Q-tank, but I had no choice due to the blip in my large tank bio-filter. I do 40% water changes 2x weekly.

Water Params in the Q-tank are:

Temp: 78 degrees F
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5 ppm
PH: 7.0

Anyway, I notice that one of the corys seems to hover near the surface, maybe about 2/3rds of the way up. He does go to the bottom to search for food, but then there he is again, hovering near the top. Weird. I have never really seen this before. He is eating well and will be moved to the new tank as soon as possible.

Is this normal? Does anyone know what could be up with him?

Here is a picture of one of them before their treatment with Maracyn.

Note: The dorsal fin on this cory is completely healed :)
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Post by Graeme »

Show us the problem!

Other wise,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Post by bronzefry »

Do you have any food at the top? I've noticed some Corydoras like to feed at the top, the bottom or both. Do you notice this at feeding time? If there's food to be had, a Corydora will find it. There may also be tiny tidbits on the glass that we can't even see. The species in the photo is <a href='http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/ca ... k'>this</a>.
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Post by kelliope »

Graeme, I WAS showing you the problem. This cory just recovered from finrot as I was showing in the picture. I thought it might be related. Also, I've noticed that some of the smaller cories do seem to like hanging out in plants whereas some of my larger cories seem to stay on the bottom more, so I though the picture might help identify the type of cory.

Amanda, thanks for the input. Yes, sometimes the neon's food gets caught in the plants. Maybe that is why he is hovering near that area. Also, he rests on the plants and now one of the others is doing it as well.

I was really hoping this forum would have some good input, but other than Amanda, I haven't really had much help. It's a bit discouraging.
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Post by chrisinha »

kelliope wrote:I was really hoping this forum would have some good input, but other than Amanda, I haven't really had much help. It's a bit discouraging.
I know the feeling... but I guess sometimes people just dont know what to say... like myself. I've had cories for almost 2 years but I havent had any problems with them until 2 days ago... Anyways, the cory that you say has been hovering the surface, is she in the Q-tank? If so, since you said the Q-tank is kinda overstocked, maybe you need to increase aeration by adding an air pump?

Even if she's in the main tank, that might be the problem too.. Do you have any ideia how old she is?


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Post by Coryman »

A couple of points, your false julii = C. trilineatus is not particularly a lover of warm water and 78ºF is a little warm, OK for the two cardinal tetras though. Unless you have extra air going into the tank the oxygen levels will be a little lower at the higher temperature.

Also as has been mentioned if there is a lot of food in amongst the plant leaves that will certainly attract the Cory. when you feed just try and wet the flake at the surface before releasing it into the tank so that it will go straight to the bottom and see if the Cory stays down where the food is. It may even be that there is something on the bottom that the fish is not happy about and stays up in the plants to stay away from it.

To be honest is there are no signs of distress such as rapid breathing or irregular movements I would not be worried too much.

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Post by kelliope »

Thanks guys!!!! :D I REALLY appreciate the input. Yes, I am having some trouble keeping my tanks cool. The larger tank is cooler so I am hoping that will help. It is almost over it's blip in the biofilter, so I will be moving them soon.

I will buy an extra air pump today just to get me through the next couple of days.

Thanks again for the very helpful input. My little cory cats thank you too!
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