Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
John Cascudo
Posts: 3 Joined: 23 Jun 2005, 17:29
Location 1: Japan & Brazil
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by John Cascudo » 05 May 2006, 16:39
This is my first post in this Wonderful Forum
somebody can help me to identify my Corys?
I ask for excuses for my English because I do not dominate this language.
Thank You.
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by Yann » 05 May 2006, 19:21
nao sei para os 2 primeiras fotos!!
a ultima represente
Um Abraço
Don't Give Up, Don't Ever Give Up!
kim m
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by kim m » 05 May 2006, 21:25
Almost positive that I've never seen the two first... I agree on tha last one though
Best regards,
Kim M
Catfish Study Group
Guardians of Catfish
Skive Akvarieforening
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by Coryman » 05 May 2006, 23:01
Cory 1 is possibly C. spilurus.
Cory 2 I would like to see more pictures of and
Cory 3 is C. tukano.
Corydoras spilurus
John Cascudo
Posts: 3 Joined: 23 Jun 2005, 17:29
Location 1: Japan & Brazil
Interests: All Plecos
by John Cascudo » 06 May 2006, 03:42
Thank you my Friends
One another friend mine said that photo 1 and 2 is a C71 Corydora sp. Arua. What you finds?
Yann, Obrigado por responder em LÃngua Portuguesa, ficou mais fácil de entender
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by Jools » 06 May 2006, 08:19
Photo 1 and 2 look like different species to me, aside from the colouration differences, the second species appears to have a different head shape in keeping with some species found in the south / east of Corydoras range.
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by chrisinha » 24 May 2006, 05:41
Oi John!
Legal te ver por aqui!!