
All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Post by Lnm130 »

Hey all, new to this forum, not to fish. I've been lurking around the site for a while now, and have yet to find an answer, so here I am, all registered.

I'm looking to get a Leopard pleco, and L263, and can't seem to find any information on them.

I'd like to put it in my 125, which is stocked as follows:
1 oscar
2 blood parrots
1 african brown knife
2 female convicts
1 firemouth
1 turquoise severvum
1 female bristlenose pleco

The one thin i have found about the l263, is a post that this fish became agressive toward the other plecos. Is this true? Basically any information given to me about this fish will help a good deal.

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Post by StiffMeister »

keeping it is pretty similar to L264, which you can find in the catelog. a lot of plecs show agressiveness towards other plecs but they will be fine as long as you provide enough hiding places for all the fish.
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Post by Seedy »

Hi Lnm130!
I think I would have to caution against adding that particular pleco to a tank with an Oscar and severum...Even though your tank is large, and I assume you would provide plenty of cover for the pleco. I really think those big Cichlids are going to end up killing an L263.
While I have never kept that particular species,I was keeping an L264 with a group of "Mbuna" (4-6 inch Cichlids from Lake Malawi)and they killed him :? Considering that both Oscars and Severum get larger (and meaner) than Mbuna do, I really fear for any pleco that doesn't have both massive armour and size with those fish.
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Post by Seedy »

Huh? what's up with the word filter here?


Y'all really that superstitous? :?
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Post by Barbie »

Read the FAQ.

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Post by Lnm130 »

I have a female bristlenose in the tank as well, and she is virtually ignored. Do you still caution against adding the L263? I'm not sure how large or small the fish will be when I get it, but if it is too small I ahve every intention on letting it get some growth to it before adding it to the 125. i currently have an albino bn growing out in the playpool tank I made in my basement, along with some cories. i would grow out the L263 in this, possibly.
*125 oscar, 2 bp, 1 african brown knife, 1 bn pl*co, 1 turquoise severum, 2 convicts, 1 firemouth
*45-50 play pool fry growout
*30 2 JB, 2 clown plecos
*5 betta, 3 corys
*N/A Florida Box Turtle, Daphne
Roxie, my Rat Terrier
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Post by Seedy »

How big are your C1chlids right now?
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Post by Lnm130 »

My o is between 6-8 inches, and is the larget fish in the tank. There really arent many agression problems *knock on wood* yet, except between the O and the male Blood Parrot. Like I said, my BN is completely ignored, also, my african brown knife is too.
*125 oscar, 2 bp, 1 african brown knife, 1 bn pl*co, 1 turquoise severum, 2 convicts, 1 firemouth
*45-50 play pool fry growout
*30 2 JB, 2 clown plecos
*5 betta, 3 corys
*N/A Florida Box Turtle, Daphne
Roxie, my Rat Terrier
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