L204 is making a mess of my tank

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L204 is making a mess of my tank

Post by dibs »

I have been running a 33 Gallon tank (Juwel Rio 125) for a year now with no husbandry problems with the existing fish stock (1x L066, 4x assorted Corydoras, 5x assorted rainbows). Rescently I added a mature wild caught L204 who has since destroyed the tank husbandry with the amount of bog wood and vegtables he eats. To help counter this I have added an external filter (Eheim 2234) to work in conjunction with the existing internal Juwel filter which has helped to a degree. Can anyone offer any further advice or lessons learnt.
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Post by racoll »

What exact problems are you having?
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Post by dibs »

The water is no longer clear and the substrate is in constant need of cleaning of debris, including waste, wood particles/sludge and shards of vegtable. I am daily vacuuming the substrate and changing pre filter sponges two of three times a week. I conduct 40% water change every 5-7 days.
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Post by drpleco »

I have the same problem with a mature 204 in one tank and a young royal in another. I've just resigned myself to clean more thouroughly each week since the fish will eat wood all day and don't know any better.

If it's that distressing to you, you may have to give him up. I wouldn't think that the waste problem will go away otherwise. You could also get a bigger tank.....
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Post by PlecoCrazy »

I second drgold. Its really just part of life when keeping these fish. You have to clean the tank and filters more often and even still it will be there to some degree. Short of extra maintenance all I can suggest is buying the largest filter you can. Having said that, a 33 gallon tank is not very large and you could buy a filter that was too powerful so be a little careful.

You think one is bad. Trying raising a colony of them! :?
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Post by racoll »

What I would do is remove all your gravel, except for just enough to cover the bottom of the tank. This will stop filth collecting under the gravel, and will make cleaning easier.

I would also add a powerhead, as this should keep the muck in suspension, allowing the filters to collect it. My tank is designed so the powerheads jet all the water down a kind of bogwood tunnel straight to the intakes. Anything that isn't sucked up, ends up in a small secluded corner of the tank where it is siponed up each week by me.

I would also consider cutting down a bit on vegetables. Maybe feed them less, and every other day. Mine do fine on very little veg. They prefer wood, and the odd bit of algae wafer etc.

I had massive problems with zuccini and sweet potatoes blocking up the filters due to their starchyness. I had to stop feeding it in the end. I now feed with tinnned fava beans, which are much cleaner.
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Post by racoll »

Oops, I notice you're in the UK!

Replace zuccini with courgette, and fava beans with broad beans!
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Post by Line »


I second Racoll.

They do make a lot of dirt- but it is possibly to find a way :)

1) Often they eat a lot when new in the tank. A long time they probably weren't sufficient fed - and therefore need a lot in the beginning. They slow a bit down with consuming :) after a while. But still they make a lot of dirt.

2) I use Sand and only enough to cover the bottom. Around 2 cm.

3) Make a good current - this brings the dirt to the filter.

4) A tank big enough. I have 3 Adults in a 500 Litre tank - and have no problems with dirt.

5) A good filtration. Personally I prefer this one:


One never have to clean them :) Perhaps once in a while a little vacuuming - thats all. I am very fond of them. Works great.
Though they aren't the prettiest ones *laugh* - but Plants grow well on the surface.

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Post by whiteymoza »

I have the exact same problem with my L204 and hes only 2in long
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