Cory Abuse Story (for the faint of heart)

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Cory Abuse Story (for the faint of heart)

Post by Nes »

I have a small school of Habrosus & Pygmeus cory (I totally suggest them - they are the neatest litte buggers ever!) It's a long story why I'm unsure of my numbers, but about a month ago after their quarentee they got transfered into a larger tank and the 10 gallon they were in (complete with very dark gravel), with about 1" of water just in the corners was placed at the back of my fish room waiting for me to have some time to clean it out.

Well yesterday I did finally get some time - dragged it out to our basement tub, filled it up to scrub out the acumulated grim (second hand tank, was dirty before the cory went in it - but just fish dirt :)) and low and behold you won't belive who I found!

One little habrosus now aptly (if not so chliche) named "lucky duck" who was a little skinny but none the worse for whear & very happy to re-join his friends after a night in the hospital tank :) (very cute they were all schooling around him checking him out).

So that's one tiny cory, about 2 cups of water in wet gravel & no food for 1 month - just amazing!!

(and FYI I do check my tanks very carefully before I remove all their water - I've no idea how I missed the poor bugger :\)

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Post by Fish Demon »

Wow! That's amazing! :shock:

I remember one time last year maybe I was doing a water change, and for some reason I was moving the driftwood around. I didn't know it, but when I was placing the driftwood where I wanted it, I put a piece right on top of one of my Corydoras trilineatus. :(

I discovered him the next week when I was moving the driftwood again for some reson. He was very pale and weak when I found him, and he had open wounds on his sides from presumably struggling to get free. I don't know how he was breathing under there, so I was really suprised when I found him alive.

At first, he couldn't swim at all. I thought he was a goner for sure, but he wasn't. Gradually he gained his balance back and started eating again. The wounds started heal and he was playing with the other corys and acting normal again. He was almost completely healed, but then one morning I just found him laying on the gravel dead. :( That was about a month and a half after the event, so I'm not sure if it was related to him being stuck under the wood or not because he had nearly completely healed.

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Post by racoll »

I once was doing a big clean, and pulled out a piece of bogwood with an L262 stowaway in board.

he fell out of the wood and landed into the bucket of cold water, he had just enough water to cover his gills for about 2 hours!

i've also had krib fry living in the filter for months.

not as remarkable as your story, but....
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Post by Storm »

A few months ago, one of my C. elegans got trapped inside a small cave I had in my tank. I'm not sure how long she was there but I noticed her during my weekly maintenance routine. I pulled the cave to the surface of the water to attempt to get her free. She was VERY stuck and I finally (as a last ditch effort) took a small hammer to crack the cave open. Not only did she survive being wedged in there and the hammer attack but she survived being out of the water for a good spell. She's doing well and thriving today. :D
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Post by beer_baron1 »

I often have dreams that I am visiting my parents, and while walking through the basement I run across a tank with a little bit of very green water, and an assortment of tropical fish doing pretty well(considering). I appearently had forgotten about it when I was a kid (15 years without a water change, or food..).

I think this is my version that cliche' dream about showing up to school nekkid.


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Post by kneedrag »

I had a common pleco jump out of my tank at 11:00 pm and land behind a desk where he was found laying in the dust at 7 the next morning. I dropped him in the toilet and he started moving so I put him in a tank, and while he had a rough life for the next month, he came back strong. You have to respect that staying power.
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Post by eupterus »

Before I went cory crazy , i kept and bred malawi cichlids. I had some fuelleborni fry which I had taken from the female. I introduced all into the fry tank and left the net on the tank hood. The next day ( about 36 hours later) i used the net again and a yound week old fuelleborni swam out as happy as anything swam to the bottom and started to pick at the crushed flake that i had added. Thirty six hours in a barely damp net.....harder than nails these things. He is now in a friends tank about 4 inches long and acting as hard as he started life

C. hastatus - habrosus - pygmaeus - aeneus - duplicareus - axelrodi - panda - trilineatus - napoensis - delphax - melini - paleatus - barbatus - concolor - robinae -seussi - reynoldsi - septentrionalis - arcuatus - C57 "nordestini" - guapore - aeneus "black" - C131
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Post by Kana3 »

I have tank with a Fluval2 pump/filter and heater, mounted behind a built in partition. With the lid closed, it seals above the partition. I breed C. aeneus in this tank.

I pulled out the Fluval2 for a clean early this year. I was struck by the sight of eggs attached to the filter case. A bit puzzled, I fetched the torch, and sure enough, an adult Cory, a good inch and a bit long.

To pass through the grill slots in the partition, would indicate she did so at less than a month old! That's a long in solitary!

An interesting after note. This female has been regularly laying for almost four months, and I'm only just now getting eggs that have been fertilized! She's had to learn what the Fella's are for!
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Post by Awugod »

I had an electric yellow cichlid that swam through my sump filter system, all the way down the drain tube and was resting on the drip plate in no more than a few millimeters of water. I went in to get the fish as I though it was dead but when I got a closer look I saw its gills moving. I quickly scooped it up and put it back in the tank and its doing fine as can be almost a month later. It has not ventured near the overflow since ;)
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