I've got a 33 US gallon aquarium, set up since the 26th Feb and I need some advice. I'll put it into fish and plant catagories so you can skip the plant bit if you wish!
1 - Plants: The aquarium is a low light one, it has 2 20? watt bulbs so thats 1.2 watts to the gallon. Some of the plants I had in there at the beginning (it looked crazy) grew like mad, especially the plants which were labelled "medium to high" (ludwigia and a few others)..they outgrew the tank and one started to pop out of the top. I transferred them into my 125 gallon and they looked huge!
Im under the impression that Amazon swords are low light plants, although mine have lost all of their tall leaves (they go brown and get holes in), while at the same time, they have grown lots of small leaves and instead of being tall and skinny, the two plants are short and really bushy. I put 12ml of king british 'plant grow' in there a week (they suggest 5ml for 10 british gallons every 2 weeks), am i not feeding them enough or is it a problem with light? Perhaps my plant food is lacking what they need or the other plants are out competing it for these nutrients, like my Java moss which ive now mostly removed?
Any suggestions on how to get the leaves growing nice and tall without them dying on me? Perhaps a different but similar plant which would do better?
2 - Plants:
Here are pics from when I set the tank up and what it looks like now:
How would you rate my tank? And anybody got any idea with regards to what that broad leaf plant is in the middle of the new tank pic? It has grown 5 really long stems with leaves which are sitting on top of the water like lily pads. Why it is growing its leaves like this?
2 - Fish: It has been home to 4 bandit Corys. I get the feeling that they are pretty lonely and bored at times and could do with some companions. They've also been scared of me ever since I rearranged their aquarium a few weeks ago. Could anybody suggest a good mix of fish to complement them? The dimensions are 80cm x 45cm high x 35cm deep. I'm clueless... but think that some extra fish will comfort them.