after recently having a browse through a importers shed full of fish i came across this papa panaque, now ive always love panaques and this beast stole my heart. it was approximatly 25/30cm long excluding tail, rather wide and had very curly filaments on his tail

anyway, onto the questions hehe
i would like to buy him if i have the appropriate set up for him and have a tank big enough as im not sure of eventual size? my tank is a 360L, 45cm wide and about 145cm long. the occupants would be if i got him (would have to get rid of two fish, a pleco and a bicolour) would be a oscar and a severum. the oscar is pretty placid and doesnt mind me adding tank mates as long as it aint the same species however he will give the fish the odd chase, bump or nip but nothing anything major, only torn fins at most.
i have read that being wild caught (i assume he is as all the other fish were from peru) they can be hard to get them to eat with boisterous fish around?
i have also read they are similar to royals in needing their wood and the wood in the oscar tank is quite soft so i assume it would be good for him? he would also get veggies and algae wafers. normally peas, lettuce and corgette as veggies? would he need anything else? also how often do these need feeding?
now my tap water is pretty soft, the oscar tank has a ph of around 7, kh of 3 and gh of 4. temp is sitting at 26C right now and has 30% weekly water changes which i dont mind upping if need be. it has 3000lph worth of filtration. would these params be suitable? the importers tanks were, to put it nicely, not that clean.
i have never kept fancy plecos before and have always wanted one or two, however knowledge before fish i say so i thought itd be best to check up first to see if i could give him a good home

thanks guys!