Looking for breeding info on Corydoras reticulatus

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Looking for breeding info on Corydoras reticulatus

Post by petesfish »

Does anyone have any experience spawning Corydoras reticulatus? Is there any spawning information written up, in any books?

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Post by chef »

There is an account of the spawning of reticulatus in Ian(corymans)fullers book on the subject, but unfortunatly this is currently out of print but you could find a copy if you search hard enough. alternately try Ians new site http://www.corydorasworld.com
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Post by kim m »

There isn't any C. reticulatus info in my copy. I think it's the C. sodalis-log you're thinking of?

I have a group of C. reticulatus too that I'd like to get into the right "mode", so I'll follow this tread I think :-)
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Kim M
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Post by Coryman »

The reference is for C. sodalis and not C. reticulatus. As far as I know C. reticulatus has not been bred in the aquarium, I have made a few attempts but so far to no avail.

Just as a side note my book "Breeding Corydoradine Catfish" will be available at the end of this coming week.

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Spawning Corydoras reticulatus

Post by petesfish »

Thanks Ian
I bought these fish after reading Derek Lambourne's book Corydoras catfish which says "C. reticulatus has been bred under aquarium conditions". There are no details but I thought would find them later. If I succeed I will definately have to post the details.

My fish seem very "flighty" or easily frightened at times. Is that your experience?

I will have to get your book. I am also hoping to see you talk at catfish covention in the fall in the U.S.A.

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Corydoras Reticulatus

Post by Jeff »

I have a good group of 12 Corydoras reticulatus in a 30 gallon aquarium, pH 6.8, total hardness less than 4 degrees, 30% water change once per week.
They eat well, frozen brine shrimp and bloodworms, flake food, chopped earthworms, whiteworms.
The females have increased girth, easy to tell the sexes apart, trouble is the have showed no signs of wanting to spawn. I also find that they are very skiddish also, scattering about the tank everytime I approach.

I am also looking forward to finding out anyone else experience on this beautiful species.

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Re: Corydoras Reticulatus

Post by cartouche »

I am also looking for some information about this fish. I have bought young 8 pieces 2 years ago, they have grown a bit, but still no response to my attemps to breed them. The only record about breeding Corydoras reticulatus that I have found is from a book of Rudolf Zukal "Akvarijni ryby" (Aquarium Fish), a renowned author here in Czech republic, who died 20 years ago. The book is from 1984 and I think that he probably quoted an article published in some German magazine. He lists no details except that they breed at a high temperature (26 C), the female lays eggs after 14-18 pieces and the whole spawning ends after 7 hours. However, since I have never seen any generation of this fish reared in captivity, and I have never seen C. reticulatus in any offer from breeders of Corydoras, I think that breeding this species must be accidental, because they belong to the most attractive Corydoras and everybody would breed them, if it was possible.

Besides that, there exist two internet articles in German:


While the second one only gives brief information about temperature and the number of eggs (370 maximally), the first one is really interesting

The man says that "breeding C. reticulatus shouldn't be too difficult and may manage even to a beginner (!)" He further says that the fish regularly breed in his tank, but other fish eat their eggs very quickly, so he hasn't reared any fry so far. I really don't know, if I am to believe this. When even Ian-the Magician was not successful with this fish, who in the world would?

The problem is that this fish is often mistaken for ambiacus-like types
See here, for example:
http://www.mein-aquarium.com/de/fische/ ... erwels.php

Many times I have seen these species sold as "CORYDORAS RETICULATUS". I don't know why, because they are very different. Perhaps it's a trick of some exporter, who wants to export banned fish from South America.
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