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Hi Charly,
A rather uncertain try in reversed order:
Species 3 is Pimelodus blochii or a species belonging to the blochii group.
Species 2 & 1 are either Rhamdia or Pimelodella species, but I daren't identify them on species level.
Species 1 looks alot like Pimelodella cristata (Burgess, p. 616, top left picture), but I don't know if this name is still valid, as this book dates from 1989.
Don't worry, there will certainly be more opinions given soon.
The first one is a Rhamdia. Looks similar to R. quelen.
Second one is a Pimelodella closely related to P. cristata.
The third one is a Pimelodus of the blochii group, maybe something like P. albofasciatus.
I can't help anymore with their identities, but as a side note I do believe the second fish is the same one that was available in the hobby last year under the name "blue line Pimelodella". It's a perfect match for the 4 I used to have.