Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
Interests: large cats-odd balls-I also breed alot of different african cichlid. but my favorite thing is collecting RARE or very hard to obtain fish...
Imo C. leopardus or a closely related species too.
PS Have C. Leopardus been breeded
Yes. According to Hans Evers Corydoras book they have been bred by Ernst Bilke. They are difficult to stimulate, darkening the tank (The method is called "Abdunklungsmethode" in german, i don't know if there is an equivalent in english) finally made them spawn.
Without getting a better look at the head I would say the fish was either C. leopardus or possibly C. gomezi. Definately not C. julii C. leopardus C. gomezi
I'm still not totally sure that my identification of C. gomezi is correct but I think your fish is the same species. It may turn out to be a new species altogether. Regarding breeding I don't think it has been.
OK the first thing is that C. gomezi and C. leopardus are longnosed species and there are pictires of both on this thred.
C. trilineatus and C. julii have also been covered on Jan 9th and again on March 3rd.
This C. trilineatus / C. julii thing has been bugging me for years. The only way to prove which is which is to know exactly where they were caught.
When viewed head on C. julii are quite slim and not at all stocky looking like C. trilineatus. Exporters in South America use the name C. julii because they get more money for then than they do for C. trilineatus.
True C. julii female,
C. trilineatus
One other point between C. julii and C. trilineatus is that when viewed from the front C. julii are slightly compressed and C. trilineatus are very rounded.