green algae

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green algae

Post by Microlangis »

Hi everyone,
recently, i saw a display tank at lfs that had a very nice coat of furry green algaes that covered rocks and driftwoods. Before, I just saw algaes as unpleasant "stuff" that i wanted to get rid of. However, after witnessing the display tank, I was amazed by how those green algaes made the tank look both beautiful and "natural" as well. Therefore, I'm now interested in trying to grow those green furry algaes (sorry, I don't know the exact name of those algae) for my tank with housed with microglanis iheringi. The problem is, I have never seen those green algaes growing in my tank. The only kind of algaes that grew in my tank were brownish kind. Can anyone give me advises on how I can cultivate those green furry algaes? Thank you.
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Post by racoll »

Unfortunately lots of this algae is associated with eutrophic water. Not good for most fish.

To get this algae (Oedogonium sp.) you should increase nitrates and phosphates, and provide very high intensity lighting.

I wouldn't recommend it.
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