I think we got the wires crossed somewhere, but I too would like to give the best care to my fish, and if I can help someone else give the best care to their fish, then that's a good thing too.
And yes, the
is definitely a large-growing fish that will "bust it's tank" - something that we don't really mean literaly, but rather in the sense that it will by far outgrow most ordinary tanks - ultimately, you'd be looking at a tank somewhere in the order of 200g or more - which is neither easy on the wallet or placement.
Unfortunately, I can't change that. You have the choice of growing the fish until it's too large for your current tank(s) - and if you get a bigger tank sometime in the future, it'll get you some more time with this fish, or take it to a shop right now, where it most likely will be sold to someone else who doesn't have the facilities to take care of it...