Filter crash

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Filter crash

Post by CEfire »

Hey guys,

I just came back from a short trip (4 days) and I looked at my tank and realized the heater had been knocked off the power strip. The temp in the tank had dropped to about 64 degrees F'. The tank had three 4' syno robbianus which clearly looked sluggish at the very low temp but are doing fine now that I have slowly raised it back up to 77. My question is:

Will my filter bed crash because of the extreme temp swing?

Anything else I should be watching out for in the cats i.e. "ich", other diseases?

Thanks for the help,

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Post by MatsP »

I wouldn't think the filter would crash becuase of a relatively small and slow drop in temperature.

Of course, the fish will have been stressed, so will still be more susceptible to illness.

If you've got a test-kit, you can check for ammonia and nitrite. If any shows up, then there's a lack of "good bacteria". But I would think it's fine.

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Post by coelacanth »

It's very unlikely that this slight lowering of the temperature will impact your filter in any significant way.
It's also very unlikely that there will be any parasitic outbreak unless you have recently added new fish to your aquarium.
Just keep an eye on the fish, feed lightly for a few days until you are sure that any slight suppression of the filter activity is past, and don't worry about it.
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Post by CEfire »

OK, thanks everyone,

My test kits indicated
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
15 nitrate

So I guess I should be fine and I will keep a close eye on the fish.

Thanks again,

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