I just traded a bunch of baby BN's for a 2" l177 gold nugget pleco. I brought it home on Friday and it appears healthy. Dorsal fin is up, color is very good, and I've seen it in several locations throughout the tank (so it's semi-active). But, it was a little bit thin when I got it, and I haven't seen it eat yet. Neither the belly nor eyes are sunken, however. It is in a 40g community tank with 4 albino bristlenoses, 6 corys and 4 boesemani rainbows.
I've read that gold nuggets aclimate slowly, but is there anything I should watch out for? The fish has its dorsal raised constantly, and looks healthy, but doesn't react when I shine a flashlight on it (tank lights are off). There is zuccini constantly available (three slices on clips), 6 large pieces of driftwood, and I gave shrimp today.
temp is 78F, ph is 6.8, and nitrate is around 20. Ammo/nitrite are both 0. The tank has been running 18 months with a penguin 330 and HOT magnum pro system.
Thanks! This is my first L# and I'm a bit nervous about it.
PS..any idea why the above link doesn't generate a picture? I can use photobucket, but not the PC system...