First of all to both tokeefe and SinaiTSi- I am so sorry for not replying sooner it has been a hectic last 48 hours. On March 13, That night I fed my 4 BullHeads the way I normally do, They coming up to the top and getting their regular foods of Shrmip, Large Cichlid Pellets, and Plankton. I observed them all. and apart from the isolated scratch on the smaller ones they all looked fine. No excessive aggression was being displayed by anyone. On March 14, I woke up and found one of my catfish looking like he had been run through a meat grinder, Dorsal fin almost gone totally open wounds and mutiple abraisions on his body. I could have run him through a meat grinder and he would have looked better. He is the smallest one out of all 4 only 4 1/2 inches. I immedeately removed him placing him in a 20Long Tank alone and added aqaruim saslt to restore his slime coating. I had to leave to go do something so was gone from right after I put him in the tank to that night about 6:00. I came back that evening and looked he was still alive but not looking good at all. The others were acting very strange the smaller 2 were fighting. Well I had no extra tank space and no 5 gallon buckets so i didnt know what to do. I finally decided on giving them lots of food, When bullheads eat a big meal from what i have observed with mine they always go hide and let it digest just sit around for a while, so i gave them a large portion of food. I stayed up almost all the night observing them and then at 5:00 a.m. they showedd signs of looking for more food and started fighting again so I fed them again. I was running the light the entire time my 4 bullheads are 100% used to the light and couldnt care less if it was off or on they act just the same ethier way. I kept feeding them to keep them happy and then got some 5 gallons buckets and began the fun task of removing 2 quite angry bullheads from a tank, Now they are in 5 gallon buckets with airstones till I can figure out what to do with them. and the biggest bullhead is still in the 40gallon tank. Well bullheads regurjitate their lasts meal when upset and being put in a 5 gallon container they didnt exactly like so i am going to have to find a way to change their water without removing them from the bucket...hmmm. I have started treating the Hurt Catfish with MelaFix Is that a good idea? But I dont know what to do I need another couple of tanks but my room has 4 in it as it is......The reason I had kept so many bullheads in the possibillity of them spawning at some point and I thought that would be really neat. Do yelllow BullHeads spawn in captivity? I was taking the information from the Cat-e-log on here and applying it too a tank. Is that correct? For Long range goals I would acctually like to keep some other spcies of bullhead say, Spotted or Brown, a bullhead that is mottled and olive green in color, I need to get another 40Long though...
tokeefe and SinaiTSi what would you reccommend doing about this situation? Thanks.
Now to SinaiTSi first:
Sorry, I was getting you mixed up with tokeefe. I apologize. Also since they like slowmoving water is running Dual Emporer 400s in the 40Long detriemnetal to them? Would they prefer smaller filters? We are on well water so that water shoudl be pretty natural. I Hope You get a BullHead and good luck this spring and summer! Thanks so much SinaiTSi you have been extremely helpful to me and I really enjoy discussing BullHeads with you.
Now to tokeefe:
As far as water conditions I collected mine as .75 of an inch fry or somewhere close to that length. So adaptibitly to water conditions shoudl be ok right? Mine right now especiialy the largest one come out under full light all the time when they are hungry, If you feed them a good bit they will go hide in their fake log and digest it but if you dont give them a lot they will continue to swim around asking for food regardless if given any? Mine are going to be 1 Year old in a few months!! I will try to get some more fake plants for them to hide in so they will be happier. Thanks for all the good netting advice I woukld far rather net a bullhead and raise him from fry size than catch a full or half grown one on a hook. Do BullHeads reguarly swallow hooks or are they pretty good about getting them in the lip? I will try and check the regs if I remember it It would definetly be good too. Also tokeefe I want to thank you too you have been very very helpful and i look forward to continue to talk with you about BullHeads. BTW got any Pics of Yours? Do yours fight a lot? Is it reasonably safe to collect wild fish without introducing any parasites or ich? Also is it abnormal for bullheads to flick themselves against the gravel? Does that show signs of a parasitic infestation? Thanks SO much both of you.
P.S. So sorry for not replying sooner.