glyptoperichthys scrophus

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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glyptoperichthys scrophus

Post by rachel911 »

I've seen some lovey pics of rhino and chocolate plecs on this web site and I'd love to find one but my local fish shop says I must have the "L" number for it if he is going to find one for me. I've looked through your list, and I could just have missed it, but I don't seem to be able to find the number. :? Does anyone know the nomber I need?
I'd be realy greatfull for some ideas.
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Post by Silurus »

This species does not have an L number.
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Post by Marc van Arc »

I can understand that not everyone knows which Loricarids have L-numbers and which don't. What I don't understand however is the reaction of your LFS. You have the correct name for them; what more do they need??
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Post by Shane »

They should be on his/her list as "Rhino" or "Alligator" pleco out of either SE Asia (farm bred) or Peru (wild caught). Be careful with "Chocolate" plecos as I have see this common name applied to the amelanistic form of L. pardalis.
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Post by Chrysichthys »

If you're willing to travel, the Goldfish Bowl in Oxford has two full-grown ones, but they aren't cheap--£79.99 each.
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Thank you

Post by rachel911 »

Thanks everyone for your replies. â?? I shall go back to LFS and try again armed with this info. Trouble is I very new to fancy plecs and donâ??t feel that I know what Iâ??m talking about. Reading this site should change all that.
Jeff - Ta, but I'm looking for a baby, am prepared to travel though.
Thanks again for your time.
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Post by Auto_Girl25 »

I have a Rhino Pleco the best thing about them is they don't hide all day long they like to just sit on rocks or ornaments and look handsome.
65 Gallon- Rhino Pleco,Common Pleco, unidentified syndontis, 2 red-flash sharks, 2 tin-foil barbs, 2 appolo sharks.
15 Gallon0 2 Phamtom tetra, 1 otto cat, 2 Penguin tetra 1 bristole nose pleco.
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