Megalechis babies act strange

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Megalechis babies act strange

Post by dukydaf »

God has blesed me with megalechis babies. Now when they are about 2 weeks old they stay ON THE AQUARIUM GLASS and not on the bottom.

The temp is about 22*C and the water level is 25cm (10 inches) but even when it was about 12cm they were still staing on the wall.I put in an sponge filter maybe it was oxigen deprivation.

Here they are

Hope they grow and join their parentens

Any ideas?? Any tips ?
My country for an aquarium.
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Post by catfish_cz »

I have water level on 15 cm, temperature is about 25 C, I change about 80% of the water a day, and I use nonstop aeration with some little air pump. I do not use filtration.

Pictures of my fish are here:
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