Care of L 077

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Care of L 077

Post by blb »

I found this guy in a mall pet store. They had no idea what kind of pleco it was so I was able to get it cheap. On the ID thread I found out it is a L 007 or Bruno Pleco. There isn't any info on how big, water conditions, food and such. I have it in a 20L q-tank for now. Does anyone know how well it gets along with other plecos?

Thanks, Beth
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Post by MatsP »

Care should be similar to . Feed it vegetable food, lots of it, such as courgette(zucchini), sweet potato, potato, squash, melon, mango, carrot, green beans, etc. The odd algae wafer or similar wouldn't go amiss either.

Don't feed too much of high protein foods, flakes or wafers. They get congestion problems in that long gut if you do.

Having some wood in the tank would probably not hurt, and you may well find that the fish chews on the wood now and again.

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Post by blb »

Do you think temperment will also be the same?
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Post by MatsP »

I would say that they are easy-going with some territorial tendency when they are bigger (5-6" +).

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Post by blb »

Thanks again! The info is very helpful in taking good care of him!!
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