Hello everybody,
I wanna add another Number to the Lottery..
My best guess is L181. Based on the following:
I exclude L182, because this species has a very flat profile that I cannot see in the pictures. Additionally, L182 shows more like red or orange spots than truly white spots in the fins and is not black, but brownish.
I doubt these are L183, but to be shure you should count the number of soft rays in the dorsal fin. The reason for that is, that A. Dolichopterus is the only Ancistrus species known that has 8-10 soft rays (mostly 9), while all others have 7-8 (mostly 7) soft rays. Well, if you count 8, you´re lost, of course..
Colour is not a good Identification tool, as some others pointed out, since some of the A. Dolichopterus keep their white bands, while others lose the white seams completely.
So, the only other black/white spotted Ancistrus-species I am aware of is L181, which is also known by two other L-Numbers which I don´t recall at the moment..
On to the next round, your turn,
greetings, Sandor
"What gets us into trouble is not what we don´t know.
It´s what we know for sure that just ain´t so."
--Mark Twain