Are Female fighters usualy aggressive I have 3 in a 7g long skinny tank and hey seem to be chasing each other a lot the tank it planted with loads of anubias on bog wood and a lot of water lettace.
Well ive never seen it before I seperated the aggrssive one which is a pity because its the most colourful. The fact that its so colourful and seems to be displaying to the other femals is even leading me to believe its a short finned male.
hi mate, females tend to get aggresive when they are getting ready for breeding or when a male is introduced, but can also bicker between each other when they are sorting out there pecking order! are the fish a new addition?
i cant think of any other reason for the bickering other than that they are just because the fish are new they are sorting out hierachy! i would be patient and see what happens i think they might start to quieten down!