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hello all

Post by pleco_pirate »

Hello all, i have just recently gotten in to fish keeping. i got a small tank for xmas and started with gold fish liek soo many others. I kept them for a bit, but then got the catfish bug bad! I just fell in love with plecos in particular. I gave my gold fish to a pal who had a 55 with only 2 so i figured he could use 2 more healthy guys. My current setup is small but liek i said im just getting started. A 20 gallon tank with a nice filter and heater. plenty of river pebbles, 4 caves, a huge piece of gnarled tree root and numerous plants. I have 1 pleco, a butterfly pleco i believe, 3 black tetras, had 4 but an evil algea eater killed one :(. He has since been moved to my small tank with some guppy fry i was given. and i just got 2 corys a pepper, and an albino.

I am just fascinated by my little guys and plan on getting a new tank in a few months. all my fish are active and appear healthy, although i have yet to see my pleco eat anything. This worries me a bit but ive had him for a few weeks and he appears plump and healthy. Happily stuck to the glass and occasionally the rocks. My dream is for a larger tank with a whip tail and some loaches, as well as a few more corys.

i also have a 10 with a few guppys i was given when a freinds had babies, and a algea eater. Some kind of a mock chinese. I also got stuck with an irridescent shark. Yeah i know how big they get. As of yet i havent figured what to do. He is small only liek 1 1/2 inch. So i have soem time but will try to find him a home. Like i said i didnt buy him my wife did and i freaked out! Needless to say she hasnt messed with my fish tank since. Same story with my algea eater i tried to give him away but found out the person i gave him to put him ina beta bowl and i quickly reclaimed him. Since i put him in the small tank he seems happier with no more aggressive actions. i think perhaps he was hungry and tried to eat the slime off my tetras.
All of my current fish run from 1-2 inches. So space isnt an issue yet but i am going to get a larger tank as i said mostly for plecy as i love him and wish him to reach his full size and age.

sorry to write a book just wanted to let every one know what i am all about :) thanks for the time dave
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Post by MatsP »

Welcome to Planet Catfish.

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Location 1: upstate ny
Interests: hiking, camping, video games, guns, i am new but loving aquarium keeping

Post by pleco_pirate »

thanx for the welcome. :) I looked at your pics also. Great job!
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Post by Kana3 »

Hi pleco_pirate!
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Post by kev »

Hi Dave,
Good to see the cat-bug is still biting folk's

Put me dinner in the oven, im off to the Xingu!!!.
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