Magnetic scale reducers...

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Magnetic scale reducers...

Post by MatsP »

As there are some pretty clever people on this site, I thought I'd ask... I have my doubts that this has ANY effect at all, but can someone explain to me how it is at least in theory working?

Here's one to look at.

And no, I'm not thinking of buying one, I'm just curious to if this is snake-oil or actually does something...

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Post by smiffertins »

What does "limits furring of all appliances" mean? :oops:
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Post by grettonman »

They help prevent limescale build up on appliances that use water eg washing machines and central heating boilers. They do work but are not 100 % effective
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Post by Kana3 »

There's a bit more detail here, Mats. Albeit an Advertising Exec's view of the Science!

Thisone's not bad, looking at a few methodologies.
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Post by MatsP »

For some reason, I think this page is more technically correct... I just couldn't find it yesterday...

What I'm trying to say is that magnetic fields do indeed affect water - but not the small magnetic fields that you get in a couple of kilos of permanent magnet.

Talking of strong magnetic fields: I went to see a Chlorine production plant many years ago [they melt regular NaCl, approx 600'C IIRC, and pass a big current through to separate the sodium and chlorie]. They had STRONG magnetic fields: A 32 mm (1 1/4") ring-spanner was passed between us visitors, and if you hung the spanner with a finger through the ring of the spanner, it would hang at around 30 degrees off vertical due to the magnetic fields. If you moved it around, it would change angle somewhat, due to the variability of the magnetic field... They took our whatches off us when we entered the building, because they had noticed that some whatches do not take kindly to being in such a strong magnetic field... :-)

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Re: Magnetic scale reducers...

Post by Mike_Noren »

MatsP wrote:I'm just curious to if this is snake-oil or actually does something...
It's snake oil. Pure make-believe.
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Post by Durlänger »

A German "test-institut" has found out that no product with this "high-technologie" has any efect on the water :!:
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Post by Kana3 »

I'm relieved that link of yours, Mats, says that treating water with a magnetic field, removes it's 'memory'. Now I don't have to worry about It coming after me, for what I did in It, as a child!
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Post by bronzefry »

I saw that item in some "reputable" catalogs for a short period of time. Then they suddenly disappeared. As Mats' second link says, it makes a nice science fair project, if you need a quick idea for one. :wink: I think this may be along the same lines as magnets curing all that ails you. Nice idea, but....(And please don't play with any of these kinds of magnets at home if you or a family member has a pacemaker or any other medical implant! :!: :shock:)
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