L-007, Vampire Pl*co

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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L-007, Vampire Pl*co

Post by blb »

I just aquired a beautiful Vampire, a little over 6" long. He(She) is now in a quarentine tank. I would like him to go into my heavily planted 75g. The 75g now has bottom dwellers corys and 2 clown pl*cos. Do you think the vampire would be ok there? The clowns are 3"-4" long.

Thanks, Beth
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Post by MatsP »

From a tank-mates perspective, I'm pretty sure that the vampire will be OK. The further question is of course if the clowns will be... The Leporacanthicus genus isn't know for it's tolerance to other species in the Loricariidae family or other fish in general, for that matter... See this thread: http://www.planetcatfish.com/forum/view ... hp?t=14549

The second "must be right" scenario is the conditions in the tank. Heavily planted tank tends to imply several things:
CO2 injection?
Relatively calm water circulation
Temperature below 80F.

These fish live in fast-flowing rocky rivers with relatively warm water, and do not appreciate low oxygen levels. CO2 has a negative effect on the fish's ability to release CO2 from the gills, and thus replace it with oxygen.

See this thread on it's environment: http://www.planetcatfish.com/forum/view ... hp?t=14700

[By the way, is it just me imagining things, or do these things come in bursts? I think this is the third or fourth post on Leporacanthicus species in the last month or so, with nearly nothing being said about them for several months before that].

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Post by pictus_man_77 »

Ive noticed the burst thing aswell!!!!
Continue the thread :P :P
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Post by blb »

THanks for the info. The 75g is heavily planted but doesn't have co2 injection. The water is kept at 80 and has a canister filter plus a hot filter. It isn't as bad as it sounds. I will have to think about this. I can keep the vampire in the quarentine tank which is a 55g. It has corys but no other plecos. The problem is that there isn't as much water current as there is in the 75g. The 55g is also kept at 80 degrees for the angels.

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Post by StiffMeister »

why dont you just add a powerhead in the qtank?
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Post by blb »

Because it is going to be a growing out tank for 10 angels.
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