Some photo's from my 20g L tank.

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Some photo's from my 20g L tank.

Post by MemnochzeePleco »

Let me start off by saying I know what many of the members here think of common plecos. :wink: However I have become attatched tho this fish and have every intention of providing him with a suitably sized and maintained home in the near future. That being said onto the pictures! :D

The tank...

Common Plec-L023? Approx 5" right now.



Thanks for looking!
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Post by Zebra_L46 »

:D Really nice tank. How long has it been set up?
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Post by MemnochzeePleco »

Almost a year. I believe some time in March will be a year exactly. It's the longest I've had a tank set up for. In May I may be taking it down to focus on a larger tank I have plans for. I will be transplanting all my plants to the larger tank of course. :D
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Post by drpleco »

it looks like your fish have ick....or is it just bubbles clinging to them?
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Post by Beeman »

I really like the 2 types of gravel overlapping, how is that working for you? Is it hard to keep like that with the corries digging aroud everywhere?

Whats the small grass comming up between the gravel in the 3rd picture?
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Post by MemnochzeePleco »

drgold wrote:it looks like your fish have ick....or is it just bubbles clinging to them?
No...that would be sand. :wink: Between the cories digging in it and the Pleco stirring it up when he moves it can get all over them.

The gravel with sand works out just fine. The rocks you see in there work sort of like a retaining wall for the gravel. The grass you see is dwarf hair grass. :)
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Post by bronzefry »

Hey, neighbor to the south. Nice job on the 20 long! :D
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Post by MemnochzeePleco »

bronzefry wrote:Hey, neighbor to the south. Nice job on the 20 long! :D
Thanks. :)

I work in I practically live there too lol.
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