Question on Breeding C. julii

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Question on Breeding C. julii

Post by DizTheFreak »

I've read that to breed C. julii you need to similate a drought with little food, then similate a monsoon... Whats the best way to go about this? Should I be careful not to 'splash' when I do water changes by using a cup instead of a bucket, and feed just a little every other day during the 'drought'? How long should this go on for? Also, should I unhook my airstones? And, when this 'drought' period is over, should I feed more and make sure to 'splash' to similate the rain?
Any help is appreciated (I know I just asked about 50 questions in this one post, lol). Thanks.
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Post by bronzefry »

Are you sure they are C.Julii and not C.Trilineatus? C.Julii haven't been imported for a very long time. :?:
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Post by DizTheFreak »

They probably are C. Trilineatus, but they were labeled C. Julii when I bought them, so I'm in the habit of calling them julii because I wasn't sure if they were completely non-existant in pet stores, or just hard to find. What are the odds of these guys being julii? Also, are there many diferences in the 2 species, particularly in breeding?
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Post by bronzefry »

Many local fish stores and internet stores label them as C.julii. Please look in the Cat-eLog, if you haven't already, to compare your Cories.
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Post by DizTheFreak »

Yup, definitely seems to be C. Trilineatus...
Shame the pet stores don't label their fish correctly...
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Post by Kana3 »

I have some breeding C.aeneus in my small tank. To set them off, I just don't do a water change for a while (1 to 2 weeks). Then all I need is about 15-20% cold tap water. 24hrs later, theyre at it! I just tip the water in, no particular method, just ensuring I don't disturb the gravel too much. That tank is at 26c.
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Post by Shane »

Yup, definitely seems to be C. Trilineatus...
Shame the pet stores don't label their fish correctly...
While collecting corys with local fish collectors on the Rio Yavari we found out they call them C. julii as well. This mis-ID actually goes all the way back to the collectors!
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Post by bronzefry »

I guess that memo wasn't sent to the far reaches.:roll: Is there a system that lets collectors/exporters know when there's a name change? Other than searching through the internet and hoping the info filters down?

Diz, sometimes if I'm staring at the tank too much, or tinkering with things too much, they won't breed. :wink:
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Post by Coryman »

I would think they would more than likely be C. trilineatus have a look at this. C. trilineatus spawning log

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Post by chrisinha »

I think my Trilineatus is full of eggs too. She looks huge compared to the other one. The thing is I only have 2 Trilineatus, so what are the odds the other one is a male?? And if it's not, will this female lay the eggs anyway? :shock:
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Post by MatsP »


The chances, on a mathematical basis (and assuming that the original tank contains a 50:50 mix of males and females) is 50%.

The female probably will not lay eggs on it's own - the female body will "consume" unused eggs.

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Post by Coryman »

Sorry to contradict you MatsP, but female Corys will and do deposit eggs without mating and I have even seen them go into "T" formations with other females, it's very frustrating when it happens especially if it is a rare never been bred before species.

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Post by bronzefry »

I thought I was seeing things, Ian. I've also seen juvenile males "practice" mating with each other: going through the dance but stopping short. I got thoroughly confused, thinking the object of the dancing was a female. But, when he grew more, it was apparent it was a male.
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