Bro. Multiradiatus Don't Eat Bottom Dry Foods!!!!

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Bro. Multiradiatus Don't Eat Bottom Dry Foods!!!!

Post by Enantiopus_Melanogenys »

Hello! Everyone :)
I have 5 WILD CAUGHT Brochis Multiradiatus in my 55 gallons tank, but all my Brochis Multiradiatus have never eaten all bottom DRY Foods that I always feed them. I really want to feed them with bottom DRY Foods because Sometimes I don't really have time to feed them with all Frozen Foods, so I have to feed them with bottom Dry Foods. They live with my for more than 2 months in 55 gallons. They eat only Frozen Foods, but they have never eaten bottom Dry Foods that I always feed them. Can anyone help? It will be greatly appreciated. I will wait for the answer everyday. Thank you very much. :(

Bunthid or Max :)
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Re: Bro. Multiradiatus Don't Eat Bottom Dry Foods!!!!

Post by joern »

Hi Max,

yes your wright...Brochis multiuradiatus hardly takes dry food from the bottom.
Mine get about 50% frozen crustazeans as artemia, moina, daphnia and the other 30% is frozen red bloodworms and about 20% black and white moskito-larve (? what ever this is in english :D ). As long as I can get also living tubifex.

They also like living food, hunting for daphnias in free water ! and for moskito-larvae at the surface, mainly in the evening without light between floating plants.

There are also individuals, that take exclusively "red" food such aus red bloodworms, tubifex and living red daphnia.

What kind of bottom substrate do you use ? Be best is fine sand app. 0,1 to 0,5mm diameter. They don't like gravel very much and not like to search für food in such coarse sediments. Here the food falls into the holes between the grains...and therein it's a little dirty...theya don't like this and will probably cause fungus around ist moth and reduced barbels.

B.splendens or B.britskii is much easier to feed with dry food.

Are there other bottom dwelling species in the tank ? B.multiradiatus doesn't like that dominant inhabitants in "small" tanks...he want's to be the "king" in his area. Even smaller Corys work fine or other Brochis.

It's a nice "cory"...but itsn't easy at all.
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Post by corybreed »

Hello Max,

I have had similar experiences with Brochis multiradiatus. They would only eat live or frozen foods. They have been my bane for years and I have finally realized I am not meant to own them for more than 6 months. Over the past 20 years I have lost a number of B. multiradiatus. They start out well for me but eventually they break down. I now just look at them in the LFS and pass them by.

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Bro. Multiradiatus Don't Eat Bottom Dry Foods!!!!

Post by CoolCat »

Hi Max, I have 10 B. Multiradiatus in a 55g tank with 10 angelfish and they thrive (4") on a combination of live tubifex worms and Aquamax (1mm) pellets, they vacuum the tank. Live tubifex worms drive them crazy. good luck, Chas. :P
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