S. Eupterus behaviour.

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S. Eupterus behaviour.

Post by Grimace »

I've had my Eupterus for a month now, in a 150L tank. Is it normal for the fish to 'move' territories? Sometimes it stays in one place, and sometimes i see it attacking the s. nigriventris to make them leave another place it's temporarily at.

Basically, I'm being a bit cautious. Is mine an aggressive case of this catfish?
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Post by Birger »

It is normal for them to be pushy, just watch it doesn't get to vicious. These grow quite fast and in a 150 liter it may want the whole tank for himself as far as other syno's go, but as it grows it may also tolerate the smaller nigriventris.

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Post by Grimace »

Cheers, it hasn't been too bad today, someone told me they get catty (excuse the pun) when they're unfed, so i'll make sure it's fed up too.

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Post by DeepFriedIctalurus »

Just a word to the wise, I've had actively aggressive S.eupterus that actually hung out in the middle of the tank pestering every fish that got near it...including siklids that were many times it's size!

Right now I have a rescued eupterus from a friend's tank that's quite often pushed around by everyone it lives with, but I just wanted to mention that this species can easily exist at both extremes of the spectrum..
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Post by Beersnob »

I have a tank with 3 pictus, 4 Corydoras barbatus, 2 bristlenose plecos, 2 clown plecos, gourami, 3 botia kubotai and a S. Eupterus. The Eupterus seems to like things "peaceful" and will "knock some sense" into the others in the tank. It seems like my Eupterus has the dominance of the tank, but will use it only when necessary...

So here is middle of the road for you!



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Post by troi »

DeepFriedIctalurus wrote:Just a word to the wise, I've had actively aggressive S.eupterus that actually hung out in the middle of the tank pestering every fish that got near it...including siklids that were many times it's size!

Have you tried keeping S. eupterus in groups? When I had three they would mostly squabble with each other. Sometimes after a water change they would run off the (bigger) S. decorus if they were in the way, but on the whole S. eupterus kept to themselves. They like the company of their own kind.

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