river tank and corys

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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river tank and corys

Post by herekittykittykitty »

Are there any corys that like a fast current? I am going to setup an 48"x13"x21" river tank for some plecos and I would like to add some corys.
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Post by snowball »

I've got a reasonably strong current in my tank (4'x2'x18") and the Brochis & C. robineae all seem to enjoy congregating at the end where the current is moving at 3" - 4" per second - not fast by pleco standards, but more than the average tank. A few of the smaller Corydoras sometimes join them, but they generally tend to stay in the less turbulent areas.

So I would say yes, some Corydoras do enjoy a bit of a current and they do like to line up facing into it, but they must have areas in the tank that are calm where they can rest most of the time. If they can't rest on the gravel without being buffeted around then it is too fast and you may want to divert the pump return into the front pane to dissapate its force.
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