ID of my new L 260 ? Location Norway

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ID of my new L 260 ? Location Norway

Post by Telnes »

I bougth these as L 260 Queen Arabesque. They look the same as many of my other L 260, but they are 12 cm / 4,7 inches. I have found some sites where they say that L 260 can become this big, but others say they can just become about 4 inches. The pictures are of a couple and some of the pairs offspring.

Some have called this fish L 318, but i cant find pictures to match the number, so i cant say. If you have any info to help me, please do, and links or pictures would be greate.

Alsoi saw this way of describing the gender.
Females like <
Males like {
But i would think its the other way around ? But i could just have a bad day.
Klick at the pictures to enlarge. And sorry fore my english
spelling. Its not much better in Norwegian :-)
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Post by pureplecs »

Nice looking fish! Here is a link to a picture of a L318...

and L260...
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Post by Janne »

Ingo Seidel wrote a little about this species in the magazine Amazonas issue 2 last year and call them Hypancistrus sp "Monte dourado", no L-nb yet and they origin from Rio Jari.

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Post by Yann »


Yes Janne, but they also state that it is still unclear of they are the "adult" version" of L318 which in the datz magasin happened to be a juvenil fish that was pictured!

In the Wels Atls II, the fish is being shown as potential L318. The true L318 is unfortunately the same use in the Datz to present the species

I would still find quite unbelievable that after all these time, that only one fish has been caught and shown... when in the mean time thousand of L316 are being exported...

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Post by Telnes »

Do you have any links to both the artikkel and anything else relatet to this ? And Tank you you fore your interest !

The fish could offcourse be an adult and darker version of the L 318 shown above. Spesialy that line behind the head, but doesent some QA have similar ?

The fish was sold from the importer as L 260, but maby they miss sometimes ?

I toke some new pictures to day, but they dinnent turn out any god. But the size is 12 cm with tale, just to get that part comfirmed. If anyone tougth i ment 12 + tale.

And wath about the gender part with > being a female. I dont get thet to add up... please respond.
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Post by Janne »

There have been imported quite many of "L318" to sweden lately and all look the same from a size around 4-5 cm up to 10-12 cm, I have seen more then 100 species and no one looks like the L318 in Datz even if the body shape are similar. Several importers label this fish as L260 because they cant see the differenties and think the exporters have labeled them wrongly as they usual do with many other loricaridae's. Maybe the species in Datz could be the same as this but with a different pattern, and how sure can we be that this one origin from Rio Jari?

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Post by Telnes »

In another tank, i have a L 260 witch always is paler than the others. I have now postet it with the rest, and called it "New Picture" there is to Hypancistrus in the picture.
What do you tink of that one ?
Its about 1 year since I got it.

And fore the originale fish, that we were talking about, they are never pale, just grown up dark. My alpha male in an other tank looks the same only smaller.

And again:
The gender part with > being a female. I dont get thet to add up... Just look at the pictureof my gravid one. please respond.
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Post by Janne »

Before I thought even this paler one you have to be L260 but nowdays I dont know what to answer, treat it as another species and dont let it breed together with your L260's.

The offspring that are pictured, what species is that?

And when it comes to the genital papilla so will the papilla get broader and longer with age and spawning at the females, like a flap and pointed...species that are small and not have spawned yet shows a smaller and pointed papilla similar to males. Males genitalpapilla will also grows with age and breeding even if it get broad it will have a shape of an ellipse.



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Post by Telnes »

Thank you.

Janne wrote.
The offspring that are pictured, what species is that?

The offspring are from the adult that the tread is about. I have 7 of them, and was suposed to have them with my other L 260, but now i dont know. In worste case senario, i have 2 ore 3 different types of hypancistrus in the tank. God thing they havent spawn together... That is, i have many fry fron 2 QA, but they are 100% QA.

May QA that have made fry, make aprox 20 eggs pr. hach, while these big ones make 30-40 eggs. I tought this just was due to the size of the female ?
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Post by Janne »

Are you absolutely sure the offspring are from H. sp Monte Dourado species and not between one L260 and that species?
I have seen species around 2" or 5 cm and they look like the adults so thats why I am asking, I have just get this species by my self but have not breed them yet and I feel a little suspicious that yours look like they do.

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Post by Telnes »

100% shure as there were no others in the tank, they made more than 100 fry last year.
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Post by Telnes »

And if the big L 260 are not L 260, what do i call them ?
And why are there so many french and german sites that say L 260 can become 12 cm long ?
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Post by racoll »

Telnes, I now understand why you are confused.

When the reference in the other post was made to females shaped like < and males like {, the poster was refering to the shape of the head, not the genital papillae!

Hope this clears it up.
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