Safe Aquarium sealant?

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Safe Aquarium sealant?

Post by troi »

Can anyone familiar with US brands recommend a safe silicon for repairing a tank? I can find cheap caulking size of so called 100% silicon at WalMart or Home Depot, but not the stuff actually called Aquarium Sealant. There appears to be none in the state in the 10 oz. size.

I can mail order it at an outrageous price, but am hoping someone has some experience with the DAP or WalMart's Mainstay house brand or any other major brand. Maybe someone knows what to look for on the package that might be a hidden note to additives or lack of them?

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Post by drpleco »

my home depot sells small tubes of aquarium sealant for a couple bucks. It's the same stuff you'll find in other pet depts. for 6-7 bucks. I use it for making caves, but it should be fine for sealing tanks. The package says that it can be used for tanks up to 30 gallons.

It isn't the stuff for a caulking gun...just to be used by hand.
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Post by Dave Rinaldo »

I use GE Silicone I
100% Silicone Sealant...Clear
Window and Door
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Post by troi »

Dave Rinaldo wrote:I use GE Silicone I
100% Silicone Sealant...Clear
Window and Door
Long time no see, Dave. Thanks. If WalMart (3 miles) doesn't have it Home Depot (50 or 80 miles, depending) should.

drgold--I need the caulk gun size. The darn special aquarium stuff is too expensive and has to be mail ordered from here. But thanks for thinking for me.

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Post by bronzefry »

All-Glass and Perfecto both make aquarium sealants in caulking gun sizes: ... mdy00.aspx
It's easier for me to manage the larger size when redoing a 10 gallon tank. The small tubes don't seem to go far. That's just me. :wink:
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Post by Silent Doh »

You can go to doctor's Foster and Smith Website. I know they sell aquarium sealant.
Here's a link: ... 2004&Nty=1
Siphoning neon tetras through a small hose can be harmful to their health.
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Post by troi »

Silent Doh wrote:You can go to doctor's Foster and Smith Website.
Thanks guys, but this is precisely what I am trying to avoid. As I initially stated, I can mailorder the stuff at an outrageous price plus shipping, but I would like to find one or two major brand silicon caulks, such as the one Dave recommeded, known to be safe in aquaria and available from the hardware store. I am sure others could use this information, as well.

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Post by Jackster »

GE Silicone I is the actual sealant that companies use for aquariums.
Just about any clear 100% silicone with an acetic acid solvent is safe for aquarium use.
I have always used GE myself and I think the price is about $3 per tube.
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Post by suezbele »

I use the GE silicone II also, it's inexpensive,and works great!!!!
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Post by buzz763 »

I get my sealant at petco and I believe it is the 10oz by allglass. I have used it a couple of times and seems to work well, no leaks yet!!
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Post by snowball »

The thing to avoid is any that have mould inhibitors in them, which obviously aren't good for fish. Typically these are marketed as kitchen & bathroom sealant.
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Post by troi »

suezbele wrote:I use the GE silicone II also, it's inexpensive,and works great!!!!
Thanks folks. I found the GE I and II at the local hardware store and the II at buck less at walmart, so if the II is safe, off to the dreaded walmart for silicon I go. And acetone and razor blades...

The WalMart brand says 100% rubber silicon and is very cheap. I also says mildew resistant, which I suppose silicon is by nature, but not wanting to take any risks I'll avoid it unless someone says they have been using it with great luck for years. I can't see any listing of additives on the tube.

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Post by bronzefry »

Here's how I look at it:
I'll spend a tank of gasoline looking for whatever and it's not exactly what I want: $20
Or, I can just order it on the internet and it's what I want: $10 shipping. Sometimes you can luck out with free shipping. PetSmart online now sells Eheim filters at competitive prices. :wink:
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Post by snowball »

troi wrote:also says mildew resistant
I would stay well clear of this particular type. Even if it doesn't kill the fish (which I'm pretty sure it will), there won't be any algae for the plecos to eat! :)

You want one that has a acetic cure, not neutral cure. Usually silicon called Window & Glass sealant are best.

If you aren't sure then stay away from the cheap ones, the better brands should have a website with detailed product information and will also have a product hotline you can call to check on suitability for aquarium use. I'm not familliar with US brands so I can't recommend which to use or avoid.
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Post by Kana3 »

Hey Snowball, what's say we open a chain of Selleys Franchises in the States? Or maybe a Mail-Order Service? (We can charge double for Troi!)

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Post by troi »

Kana3 wrote:Hey Snowball, what's say we open a chain of Selleys Franchises in the States? Or maybe a Mail-Order Service? (We can charge double for Troi!)
That or just send us your lable artists. This is good and proper labling, IMHO. As for twice the price, I could order at US online pet supply dealers for that! Back to WalMart.

BTW, got the tank resealed using the GE Door and window Silicon II.

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