Corydoras delphax or ambiacus/agassizii? Others too!!

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Corydoras delphax or ambiacus/agassizii? Others too!!

Post by xsu-xsu »

Got 2 of this type as a freebie (makes a change for me!!) were sold to the guy as c.punctatus. Typical for all types of corydoras that look similar to this to be labelled under the bracket of punctatus!!

Anyway, I'm very confused as to correct ID between delphax and ambiacus. Could someone definitively say what the difference between the two is please?


Also, can people here confirm the following please?

corydoras concolor


coryodras melanotaenia


corydoras elegans
(sold as corydoras nanus)


Thanks in advance everyone for their contributions and thanks to Corydoras World for hosting the pictures.
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Post by chef »

yep your right with all the id's and the top one is ambiacus.delphax has a longer snout not as deep in body proportions and a different base colour more brownish as to the creamy white of ambiacus.
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Post by xsu-xsu »

In which case, Chef, Ian has ID'd the top one in this thread: - ... hp?t=14163

as c.delphax. This fish does not have a brownish colouration. I'm thinking that the difference lies in the dorsal colouring (how it bleeds into the body) or the 'orange' blob on their heads.

In which case I'd be hedging my bets on this fish being c.ambiacus.
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Post by chef »

Ian and myself have looked at many ambiacus/agassizii and still sometimes get confused as to which is which.
And today we saw a cory sp that shares all three cory characteristics. Do you have ian's new id book as this will help shed some light "and" cause more headaches on the differences found in the three species.but delphax is sufficently different as to be able to rule out the fish in the top picture undefined
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Post by xsu-xsu »

So the slightly more elongated snout in c.delphax is the best way of distinguishing between that and c.ambiacus?
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Post by Coryman »

C. delphax actually has a totally different head shape to C agazissii and C ambiacus and there should not be confusion sorting C. delphax.

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