L168 Colony Sexs please

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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L168 Colony Sexs please

Post by blueguava »

I have a colony of L168's. 4 of these are 12-13cm and have long odontodes 4-5mm sprouting from their pectoral fins and spines along their bodies which clearly puts them in the male category.

However the fish below (all approx 10cm) I thought maybe female also have small 2-3mm odontodes on their pectoral fins also. Is this the only way to distinguish males from females? Has anyone got some good pics of a female they can post?

From the pic below what are your thoughts, is there some females or are they the village people?

Kind Regards

Their coloration is their freaked out colour, they are normally a nice yellow and black.


This one with blue background shows the hairs better

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