new rack

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new rack

Post by herekittykittykitty »

Hi, I am having a new rack built to hold 5- 16"x8"x10" 5- 20"x10"x12" and 1- 30"x12"x12", What would be the best way to supply air to them?
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Post by natefrog »

The "best" air source for a multiple tank setup such as this is a "blower". These belt or fan driven air pumps produce a large psi and volume for a relativley small power draw.

Common models that suit this purpose are the hagen 20 and 40 models and similar enginered designs.

I personaly have run a hagen 20 and despite being somewhat noisey it works a charm. Some air plumbing will need to be done for any large air pumps, but sponge filters and air work well for smaller breeder tanks.

Best regards-Nate.
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Post by herekittykittykitty »

This will be in my basement so noise is a factor.
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Post by PlecoCrazy »

Two Rena 400's should be able to run all of that. I had one Rena 400 running a 30 gallon plus 6 10 gallon tanks. Two sponges in the 30 and 1 in each of the tens.
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