breeding ancistrus while other fish still in the tank

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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baruch mor
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breeding ancistrus while other fish still in the tank

Post by baruch mor »

i have 2 males and 3 females of ancistrus. they started to show the signs of breeding n reproducing. the problem is that i have there another 10 young L66 and one young L273. can they stay there?
the tank is 240 liters
two external filters (EHEIM 440L/H AND RENA 900L/H), heater , pvc caves, clay substrate and giant soft wood
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Post by Zebrapl3co »

That depends on who much do you care for the ancicstrus.
The other pleco will no doubt take up most of the good living space and force the new fry to hide in corners and places that makes it difficult for the fry to reach food without being harass by the bigger pleco. Expect to get more die-off than you would normall get.
Good luck.
baruch mor
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Post by baruch mor »

thanks for the replay. what if i transfer them to hang on fry net? is it possible? how many days after hatch should i do it?
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Post by blueguava »

I would keep them seperated for at least 6 weeks. As a general rule I don't mix my Ancistrus fry with any other fish. I move them to their own grow out tank.

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Post by pictus_man_77 »

think about it though, and im not being cruel in any way, but it IS survival of the Fittest, so just think of t as a way of getting rid of stragglers :D :D
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