how do you keep snails alive?

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Silent Doh
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how do you keep snails alive?

Post by Silent Doh »

Hi, I'm the proud owner of 2 aquariums, a 10 gallon and a 20 gallon. The only problem is, I want snails. The type of snails I have access to are Ramshorn snails. I had a few but they died within a month! How do I keep these little buggers alive?
My water parameters are as follows:
Ph - 6.8 to 7.0
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10
Aeration - 10 gallon: Whisper 10, 20 Gallon: Whisper 40
Tank Mates: 10 Gallon: Guppies
20 gallon: R. R. minnows, neon tetras, balloon mollies, zebra danios, cory cats, and a white spot rubbernose pleco.
Siphoning neon tetras through a small hose can be harmful to their health.
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Post by Marc van Arc »

Ask the (female) person you mention in your other post; apparently she knows.
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Water changes

Post by Silent Doh »

Apparently, my (female) informer :lol: apparently does not do as many water changes as reccomended by most, as she has a large aquarium. Maybe I have been doing too many water changes? I'll try to find other possible reasons why.
Siphoning neon tetras through a small hose can be harmful to their health.
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Post by Silurus »

Make sure there is enough carbonate in the water for the snails to grow healthy shells.
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Post by B-2 »

Silent Doh, I think Marc van Arc meant Mrs. Arami (Erami, Orami, :lol: I don't know how to spell it). But yes, I have hundreds of snails and they do just fine. I changed 50% of my water today in both my tanks (after not changing any for a month :oops: ). I have a feeling it was your 10 gallon that had a problem. Maybe snails will do better in your 20 gallon. I'll give you some tomorrow (hopefully).
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Post by Iris »

Ramshorns need a pH of about 7.5, to keep their shells in good shape. (Shell errotion!)
Waterchanges about once a week should be fine.
What is your tanks temperature?? Ramshorns, just like any other applesnail, like it warm. Some people have them at only 70, some at about 78 Fahrenheit.
How big are your Ramshorns? Full grown, than they might just die of old age.

I don't have Ramshorns, but you might wanna try these people certainly now more about Ramshorns than i do! :D

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Post by Kana3 »

Do you use CO2 in soft water? Snails really love that combination! (not)
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Post by Silent Doh »

Actually, no. I do not use a C02 hookup in my tank, (I'm just a beginner). I do know that my water is quite soft. The temperature is at 75 - 78, but sometimes up to 80 if my :x heater decides that it is too cold. (last time I buy an All-Glass Aquarium heater :x )
Siphoning neon tetras through a small hose can be harmful to their health.
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cold water

Post by B-2 »

Since I don't know where my snails came from, I can't be sure, but I think they are coldwater snails. They do great in my coldwater goldfish tank. I have seen similar ramshorn snails in local lakes and ponds. I had a 1 1/2 inch ramshorn a year ago that I found in a pond. I had it in my aquarium for a while until my pleco ate it. :( My snails could be it's offspring. All my snails are 1 inch or less. It could be Silent Doh's snails died from the heat.
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