S. Nigriventris mysterious death. Plz Help!

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S. Nigriventris mysterious death. Plz Help!

Post by Grimace »

Hello there,

I found one of my S. Nigriventris upside down (yes, that's right!) and white... it was gone! I examined it, and it had yellowish greenish slime from its mouth and its belly was extremely big!

When i bought it i chose a slim one and a fat one (male/female) but it might've been something wrong. Now the male (presumably) is all on his own and im scared to buy another few s. Nigriventris, coz im scared they'll die.

Wot do u fink happened?? And shuld i buy some more to keep the remaining one happy?
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Re: S. Nigriventris mysterious death. Plz Help!

Post by troi »

Grimace wrote:Hello there,
Wot do u fink happened?? And shuld i buy some more to keep the remaining one happy?
I'm clueless about what happened to the fish. I've seen them very pot bellied and appear fine for years, tho.

What is the rest of the tank like? These are social fish and more would be good, but figger out what got the fish first. Or make sure everyone else in the tank is fine for several weeks.

How big is the tank and what is in it? details!

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