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Someone I know is haveing a trounble with Ram's horn snails in her 10 gallon fry tank. She cannot move them to another tank. Scince the tank is moderately overpopulated, I suppose clown loaches are out of the question. She has harder water with few plants or hiding places, though she may get some in the future. Thanks, Silent Doh
Siphoning neon tetras through a small hose can be harmful to their health.
A lot of people actually like Ramshorns. I've had snails as long as I can remember. Whenever a quantity get above 1cm or so in size, I crush them for fish food.
The snails I have also dig into the substrate and remove waste food.
I don't get them in my large tank, as I use CO2, and the Carbonic Acid dissolves the shells. Of course I have soft water that facilitates that reaction (something I learnt from Mats).
I understand Clown Loaches are a good solution. I gave it a shot once, but the snails outlived the buggers!
I have thirty young Bristlenose, and I'm guessing that'll keep the snails eggs in check.
Both me and Silent Doh wouldn't recomend this person get any more fish. Her 10 gallon has at least 200 baloon molly fry and one oto. The fish are never fed anything but flake food (even the poor oto). It is my fault she got the snails. I gave her some branches of my ancharis, but warned there may be snail eggs on them, and there was! I personally have no problem with these Ramshorn snails, even though there are at least a hundred in my tank. They don't bother me in any way and my largest one is only about 3/4 to 1 inch in size. They started appearing about a year ago. I don't understand why some people have such a problem with snails.
Actually, bettinacharlotta, she has gotten rid of much of her fry and only 30 or so remain. When I say trouble, I mean an infestation. She hates snails, and does not anything to do with them. Some people never learn .
Siphoning neon tetras through a small hose can be harmful to their health.