Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
Hello forum, I hope someone here can tell me what fish I´ve bought. At the first moment I thought about L 056 in yellow, but it isn´t. I got him as Peckoltia spec. with other fishes in a used tank. Because I`ve never seen him before, can you tell me the L-number and if its a rare thing and whats his worth?
Difficult to say with such picture!!
How big is it?
Any chance to make a pic while the fish is in the water. Out of water pictures show stressfull fish...
My immediate thought was that it's some sort of Hypostomus specie, but the picture isn't great for determining body shape. A side on view and perhaps also a top view would be good.
It looks like a rubber pleco to me, but like previously stated. Try to get a picture of the fish when it is in the water, as many fish change coloration when stressed and could mislead us in our identification.
Siphoning neon tetras through a small hose can be harmful to their health.
Doesn't seem to have the fleshy hard rays of parancistrus. Personally, I tihnk it's a hypostomus as well, but again, it's hard to say with the picture at hand.