Mango L47 breeding?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Mango L47 breeding?

Post by mmcm1997 »

Hi has anyone heard of or had any luck breeding the mangos? I have a adult female and male I just recieved last week. They are both about 6", which is a really good size to find them. The males really get a big head and some whiskers. :P Thanks MIKE
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Post by Yann »


No tis fish hasn't been bred yet, but other members of the genus have been bred such as L81 and L177.
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Post by mmcm1997 »

Thanks. Mine are over 6''s so I hope that helps. The male and females are never in the same cave. They will share with other L pleco's but never with each other. MIKE
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